InnerAct with the AwarenessWheel anytime - at home, work and elsewhere

12 sheets per notepad. Pads not sold separately.
Gain new self-in-situation-awareness by using the tool to:
Take better charge of your life
Clarify your Inner/Outer experience
Deal constructively with difficut situations
Change ReActive behaviors
Reduce chronic stress, worry and anxiety
Build resilience
Improve your mental health, relationships and productivity
Use these Practical Resources to:
- Learn the basics of Mapping-Issues in Workbook I
- Expand your InnerActive skills with special applications and worksheets in Workbook II
- Carry the Wheel with you everywhere in your mind
- Expand self-in-situation-awareness using the Awareness Wheel NotePad
Over 1,500,000 individuals around the world have used the Awareness Wheel to engage lifeʼs important challenges and opportunities.

Your toolbox for InnerAction and constructive choices.
Meet The Authors
Sherod Miller, PhD, is a social psychologist and CEO of Interpersonal Communication Programs, LLC, a publishing and training company in Evergreen, Colorado. He practiced as a Clinical Social Worker in the Out-Patient Department of Psychiatry and was a faculty member in the Department of Medicine at the University of Minnesota.
He taught sociology at Augsburg College in Minneapolis and is a Fellow in the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. He is an author, coach and specialist in interpersonal communication, team process, and collaborative conflict resolution.
Sherod has trained thousands of Human Service Professionals in how to teach the individual, couple, and business programs he has developed. He is an original co-developer of the Awareness Wheel.
Daniel R. Lord, PhD, is a Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist and Professor Emeritus at Friends University in Wichita, Kansas, where he directed the Master of Science in Family Therapy program.
His primary emphasis was application of neuroscience to relationship-focused clinical practice, informed by interpersonal neurobiology and mindfulness.
He is recognized as a Clinical Fellow in the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, a Training Associate of Interpersonal Communication Program’s COUPLE COMMUNICATION, and a Diplomate in the former American Association of Pastoral Counselors. Dan holds a Master of Divinity degree and is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. His PhD is in Pastoral Psychology and Counseling from Boston University.
Actively Involve Your Body and Mind to Process Issues
30"x30" canvas floor mat.
As you step about on the Awareness Wheel SkillsMat, you engage your body-mind resources by:
- Focusing on a single issue and moving your body to connect with all parts of your experience.
- Rebalancing and slowing down to deepen your reflection.
- Accessing and illuminating non-conscious experience surrounding your issue.
- Drawing on any past, current, or anticipated future experience.
Working through issues kinesthetically — moving, accessing, clarifying and altering your experience using the AwarenessWheel SkillsMat — activates different neuropathways than when you work with the Wheel on paper, while seated.
Generate self-in-situation-solutions.
Best-fit for all.
Awareness Wheel Tools